Friday 14 August 2015

How To Get More Clients And Keep Them Coming Back in Massage Career [Learn Vs Earn]

Did you find that little voice in your head wondering
"How will I actually get clients?"
"How long will does it take to get them?"

Did you find, like me, that no one would give you a straight answer or worse - you got told it would take you years and years to build up a successful practice?

I've got some good news.

Being told that a massage therapy practise takes "years and years" to build up is absolute rubbish. I know, because I proved that wrong.

Keep reading..
I was on a high from graduating so I just ploughed on, joining an association, got my insurance, and waited for clients to come. I spent a couple of weeks perfecting and working on my business card, letterhead and signs. Then I sat back and waited for the clients to pour in.

I waited and waited....

Over the next few months after graduating a handful of clients turned up, certainly not the rush of clients I imagined.

By this stage I thought "I should do some advertising." I did and it failed miserably. I felt like a rug had been pulled out from under my feet. My enthusiasm had turned into bitter disappointment. I was so frustrated! Under that frustration I felt so scared of failing. I was very. very  disappointed. I was crushed actually.
I did a leaflet and it failed as well. (Looking back at the leaflet now, it was easy to see why it didn't work! I would never write anything like that now!) Things were bleak - I had a handful of clients, a big and never ending expanding pile of bills, I was stressed, lonely, depressed and frustrated.

Something had to change or I  would have to admit my plan of being a successful massage therapist had failed. I'd face the personal humiliation of going back to the workforce because I could not make this work. The thought of that was so painful because I wanted this more than anything.

Is this story familiar to you? You may have a thriving massage practice with more clients and prosperity than you can handle. If this is you then you will be wasting your time reading on. If you are not satisfied with the number of clients you are getting right now and want something to change for the better, you must keep reading because this letter is the key to getting a successful massage therapy practice.

How did I go from desperate to a successful practice? Let me tell you, it was a lot of hard work, stuff ups and good old trial and error. I would not wish this on you so I have distilled everything I have learnt to get more clients and keep them coming back, since I started in 1994, into my four new e-books  - "Ignite Your Massage Therapy Business", "Marketing Secrets For Massage Therapists", "How To Write Advertising For Your Massage Therapy Business" and "Understanding Your Client".

These books give you the absolute, clear cut way to getting more clients and keeping them coming back. It's absolutely everything you need to create the successful, busy massage therapy practice you could ever want. 

So what's in each book? Let's start with the first one:

"Ignite Your Massage Therapy Business"

click here on this link for more info "Ignite Your Massage Therapy Business"


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