Monday 31 August 2015

The Most Proven System For Making A Full Time Income Online

Lets face it… working from home is something we’d all like to do.

From being able to work when you want, from wherever you want, the percentage of people who are striving to work from home is continually increasing.
Perhaps another reason for the demand is due to the fact it’s now becoming a lot more attainable, with more and more people working from home and most importantly… more and more people making money online.

But where do you start?

You’ve probably heard of various ways to ‘make money online’ before, with the likes of Facebook, eBay, Twitter, Surveys and Forex appearing in most recommendations. But the issue with most of these methods is they only really work for the more advanced customer.
Today we wanted to shine the light on a method with proven success stories, and most importantly a system that can be used by anyone.
Want to work from home and make money online? Then listen up.
Over the past few years, Google Sniper has helped ‘regular’ people work from home and make money online. With over 100,000 past customers, and the most success stories you’ll ever find online, we tested out the system to see what the fuss was about.
With easy to follow training manuals, videos, monthly webinars and 1 on 1 support, the system has been set up for success.
The method? Spending a few hours a day building small ‘Sniper’ sites and following a secret formula that easily ranks them in Google. As people search and find your sites through Google, you make money through recommending related products and making a commission (money) from each sale.
I’m just scratching the surface here though, but I wanted to give you an insight into how it works.

Want to work from home? Then making money online is the obvious option.Want to know how?

Then click here and start make money

Let us know your thoughts in the comments below…

Saturday 15 August 2015

Three Country got independence in 15th August You Must know

India Got Independence from the United Kingdom in 1947

In 1946, the Labour government in Britain, its exchequer exhausted by the recently concluded World War II, realised that it had neither the mandate at home, the international support, nor the reliability of native forces for continuing to control an increasingly restless India.In February 1947, Prime Minister Clement Attlee announced that the British government would grant full self-governance to British India by June 1948 at the latest.
The new viceroy, Lord Mountbatten, advanced the date for the transfer of power, believing the continuous contention between the Congress and the Muslim League might lead to a collapse of the interim government.He chose the second anniversary of Japan's surrender in World War II, 15 August, as the date of power transfer. The British government announced on 3 June 1947 that it had accepted the idea of partitioning British India into two states; the successor governments would be given dominion status and would have an implicit right to secede from the British Commonwealth. The Indian Independence Act 1947 (10 & 11 Geo 6 c. 30) of the Parliament of the United Kingdompartitioned British India into the two new independent dominions of India and Pakistan (including what is now Bangladesh) with effect from 15 August 1947, and granted complete legislative authority upon the respective constituent assemblies of the new countries.[18] The Act received royal assent on 18 July 1947.
Congo, Republic of the August 15 1960 Independence from France in 1960.
The Republic of the Congo received full independence from France on August 15, 1960. Fulbert Youlou ruled as the country's first president until labour elements and rival political parties instigated a three-day uprising that ousted him. The Congolese military took charge of the country briefly and installed a civilian provisional government headed by Alphonse Massamba-Débat.

Korea, South August 15 1945 Independence from Japan was declared by the U.S.A. on September, 1948. Korean War 1950-1953

It commemorates Victory over Japan Day, which liberated Korea from colonial rule. Independent Korean governments were created three years later, on August 15, 1948, when the pro-Soviet Kim Il-sung was made first Premier of North Korea and pro-U.S. Syngman Rhee was made first President of South Korea.

Friday 14 August 2015

How To Get More Clients And Keep Them Coming Back in Massage Career [Learn Vs Earn]

Did you find that little voice in your head wondering
"How will I actually get clients?"
"How long will does it take to get them?"

Did you find, like me, that no one would give you a straight answer or worse - you got told it would take you years and years to build up a successful practice?

I've got some good news.

Being told that a massage therapy practise takes "years and years" to build up is absolute rubbish. I know, because I proved that wrong.

Keep reading..
I was on a high from graduating so I just ploughed on, joining an association, got my insurance, and waited for clients to come. I spent a couple of weeks perfecting and working on my business card, letterhead and signs. Then I sat back and waited for the clients to pour in.

I waited and waited....

Over the next few months after graduating a handful of clients turned up, certainly not the rush of clients I imagined.

By this stage I thought "I should do some advertising." I did and it failed miserably. I felt like a rug had been pulled out from under my feet. My enthusiasm had turned into bitter disappointment. I was so frustrated! Under that frustration I felt so scared of failing. I was very. very  disappointed. I was crushed actually.
I did a leaflet and it failed as well. (Looking back at the leaflet now, it was easy to see why it didn't work! I would never write anything like that now!) Things were bleak - I had a handful of clients, a big and never ending expanding pile of bills, I was stressed, lonely, depressed and frustrated.

Something had to change or I  would have to admit my plan of being a successful massage therapist had failed. I'd face the personal humiliation of going back to the workforce because I could not make this work. The thought of that was so painful because I wanted this more than anything.

Is this story familiar to you? You may have a thriving massage practice with more clients and prosperity than you can handle. If this is you then you will be wasting your time reading on. If you are not satisfied with the number of clients you are getting right now and want something to change for the better, you must keep reading because this letter is the key to getting a successful massage therapy practice.

How did I go from desperate to a successful practice? Let me tell you, it was a lot of hard work, stuff ups and good old trial and error. I would not wish this on you so I have distilled everything I have learnt to get more clients and keep them coming back, since I started in 1994, into my four new e-books  - "Ignite Your Massage Therapy Business", "Marketing Secrets For Massage Therapists", "How To Write Advertising For Your Massage Therapy Business" and "Understanding Your Client".

These books give you the absolute, clear cut way to getting more clients and keeping them coming back. It's absolutely everything you need to create the successful, busy massage therapy practice you could ever want. 

So what's in each book? Let's start with the first one:

"Ignite Your Massage Therapy Business"

click here on this link for more info "Ignite Your Massage Therapy Business"

Seven Myths About Copywriting Sins That Strangle Sales [ Learn Vs Earn ]

If you don’t know much about copywriting, here are seven powerful reasons to start finding out before it’s too late
A friend who trains people is so good that Jay Conrad Levinson – the world-famous Guerrilla marketing guru - says you should read every word he writes and listen to every word he says.
Pretty good recommendation, right?
And it gets better. One big firm got a contract worth £500 million after his training – not the only example, but a spectacular one.
Sadly, though, these achievements are not enough for him to get the business he deserves and works hard for.
That’s because the copy on his website is so bad that most people never discover such tremendously good reasons to pick up the phone and call him.
Those reasons are lost on that website. They are buried way down the page after paragraphs of boastful waffle and jargon. People will never read them. They will have given up. The result? He is not enjoying the success he should. It is tragic.
Why should you care, dear reader?
Because quite simply, the cheapest, easiest, fastest way to improve your business is just to persuade more people to buy.
That means better copy. Copy that persuades not bores or mystifies – in your emails, in your advertising, on your website, on your sales-letters. Everywhere.
I have seen two words in an email increase response by 50%. Three months ago some emails my colleagues wrote got a return on investment of 11875.5 to 1. Years ago one writer found that simply changing the headline in an ad got 19.5 times more sales.
Just to get you started here are seven deadly sins that are strangling many businesses – I would say most, actually.
1. Talking about yourself instead of your customer.
All your prospects want to know is “what are you going to do for me?”
They don’t give a hoot in hell about your mission statement, your clever new slogan, how many offices you have, how many people you employ and all that malarkey.
This sin is not confined to small firms that know nothing of marketing or communication. It is alarmingly common among people who should know better – particularly advertising agencies.
There is a simple measure. The more times you use words like you, your and yours rather than words like us, we and ours, the better it is likely to be.
2. Failing to make your point fast. If you don’t grab people very quickly news of a benefit for them, you’re in trouble.
Our attention span is dwindling every year. How long does it take you to lose interest on a website? Probably 2 or 3 seconds. The same applies to your prospects.
Often you can remove or savagely cut the first two or three paragraphs of your copy, lose nothing and gain in attack.
3. Using fancy language. Short words, short, lively sentences, no pompous business jargon – that’s what you should aim for. It should read like someone is talking. In fact it’s a good idea to read it out loud, as many people read things in their heads.
4. Failure to quantify the benefit. Don’t be vague. Be specific. People are drowning in promises. They are sceptical. Don’t tell me I’ll get rich or lose weight. Tell me how rich or slim. And how fast.

5. Relying on logic rather than emotion.
 People – including business people – make decisions for emotional reasons, then find logical excuses for what they want to do. Determine what the emotional triggers are – e.g. I want to be loved or admired - before you worry about the logic.
6. Trying to be clever. Beware of things you think are ingenious, funny or clever. This is a huge temptation, as it is hard to have ideas, and when we have a clever one we tend to be very pleased with ourselves. You are likely to have a flop on your hands. If people want to be entertained, they watch TV. Your business is selling. Don’t be funny about serious things – and vice versa.
7. Not giving every sensible reason to buy – and overcoming every objection. People find this hard to believe, but most copy is too short. Every reason to buy you omit, every possible objection to buying ignored is a sale lost.
There are many other ways to ruin your copy – and many ways to improve it.
But the vital thing to remember is this.
It costs no more to run good copy than bad. You don’t need to be a brilliant copywriter to do so. But you really must know how to tell the difference. Otherwise, you are probably strangling your sales – and killing your business.

For More detail click on this link  Drayton Bird's Online Membership Club

Connect With Influencers Course Review [ Learn Vs Earn ]

Introducing Connect with Influencers:

                The first course with the exact word-for-word scripts, strategies, and tactics, to help you grow your income by building honest relationships with Influencers and VIPs in just 10 minutes/day .
  • Even if you feel like you have “nothing to offer”...
  • Even if you are afraid of rejection or failure.... 
  • Even if you don’t know where to start.

“Succeeding in business is all about making connections. It's all about personal contact. You need to get out and about, meeting people and developing relationships.” -- Sir Richard Branson

What I Learned from Working for Bill Clinton
Relationships are everything. If you build strong relationships, there is no limit to what you can accomplish.

  1. High-definition video training from an expert in business networking
  2. An easy-to-implement, step-by-step system to show you how to connect with Influencers and VIPs in your industry, even if you feel like you have "nothing to offer"
  3. Private community of high achievers where you can exchange ideas and get your questions answered 24/7

Your relationships are the biggest indicator of your income. If you want to make more money, start working on growing your network.

What is included in the training?

Everything you need to get started connecting with Influencers, VIPs and Top Performers

High-Definition Videos and Training Screencasts

You get access to over two dozen high-definition videos and training screencasts.

Worksheets, Handouts and Tools

We give you everything you need - worksheets, handouts and tools - to help you get clear on your goals, overcome fear of rejection or fear of failure, build up your self-confidence, and ALWAYS have something to talk about with any VIP you meet.

Private community of other like-minded top performers in the making

You also get access to our private Facebook community, where I and others just like you will help you with brainstorming ideas, strategizing, and answering questions

For More detail Click Here

Wednesday 12 August 2015

AppsVolcano.Com Make Your Own Mobile Apps Or Do It For Others And Make Money! [Learn Vs Earn]

AppsVolcano.Com Provides The Tools You Need To Make Advanced AppsWith No Special Skills.


We offer more than 140 features and numbers of templates. Easily customize it with no special skills. Make apps for iPhone, Android, iPad and Kindle.


If you are in need of a custom template, use our drag and drop tool to create it quickly and easily. Try it  now!


If you will find a better deal somewhere else, please let us know and we will beat it! Best Deal Guarantee.


Try our platform for 30 days after your payment and if you do not like it, you will get the full refund.


Get all that you need to set up your own mobile apps business. Do not miss our on our Special Offer!


Whether you make an app, a mobile website or a digital magazine, you will not need special skills.


If you cannot find the feature you need, you have the option to make it yourself, or we can make it.

Click Here for more details.......

How To Create An App And Start Earning Money In 7 Days [Learn Vs Earn ]

“How You Can Create an App and Start Earning Money . . . without Any Coding Knowledge . . . Guaranteed!”
If you want to set yourself up financially for the rest of your life by creating mobile apps, read this article immediately. . .

                             Proof #1 - More than 100,000 installs on the start!

                                            Proof #2 - $381.05 in 7 Days!

Dear Friend,
If you've ever thought about creating your own mobile App, or wondered what it would be like to make $500, $1,000, even $10,000! a month … then this might be the most important letter you've ever read!
In the paragraphs below I am going to do something that nobody has ever done… I'm going to show you a revolutionary system for creating killer Apps, and I'm going to prove that it works!
This has never been done before!

The reason you can make money faster and easier creating Apps than any other way is because…
- Apps have the highest profit margins possible!
- There are “Zero” production and delivery costs!
- There’s little or no risk! You don’t have to buy a garage full of products to get started.
- You can create lifetime customers with the right Apps!
Imagine. . .
If you create a simple App and it gives you $15.00 every day, that would give you $450.00 a month extra income! And this money will come in whether you’re at the beach, on a golf course, or in a coma for that matter.
Now imagine. . .
If you create 10 simple Apps in the next couple of months you could be making up to $54,000.00 in your first year!
But here’s the catch: anyone can make serious money with Apps. . .
. . .but only if you can
1. Create a good App;
-In just a moment I’m going to show you the most amazing system ever invented for creating a killer Apps without coding! Trust me, nobody has ever told you how to do this the way I’m about to.
2. Find a niche for it;
Maybe you are one of the rare people that have the time and ability to create your own App. . . The problem is you could spend months or even years working on your App only to find out that nobody wants it.
-My cant-miss system will give you access to unlimited markets of eager customers that have been tried and tested. There’s no guesswork!
3. Convince people to get your App.
-The difference with this system is that you will have instant “expert” status.You won’t have to spend years building a loyal client base. Other best-selling Apps will do the job for you!
So Is There Really a Way to Create a Killer App Without Wasting Your Time Struggling to Code and Distribute it Yourself???

For More Info Please Click Here

Tuesday 11 August 2015

How To Create An IPhone Or IPad Apps And Games Succeed In App Store!

A major theme in our State of the Developer Nation reports is an increasingly gloomy picture of typical developer revenues. The vast majority of developers make very little money from their apps. However, there are a lot of developers out there and a decent fraction of them make a good living, some are building thriving businesses on the app stores and a few at the top are even creating multi-billion dollar companies. So, what’s different about the developers that are succeeding financially versus those that are living in app poverty?

Click Here to Know About How To Create An IPhone Or IPad Apps And Games Succeed In App Store!

Appszero [Review]- Build Mobile Apps With Zero Coding [ Learn and Earn ]

AppsZero to help companies and individuals create professional iPhone and Android applications at an affordable price. Using AppsZero is really easy. You don’t need to be an Xcode expert, a Java guru or a software developer at all to build your own iPhone and Android apps. You can start creating native iPhone and Android applications right away. Choose a template, easily edit and format your content, then add pictures and multimedia files.

Sync: Add the new content for your live app and we will send your updates through the cloud to every single device that has your app.

Push Notifications: Pop-up messages from website to all of your users’ devices.

In-App Purchases: Offer digital content such as virtual currency, expansion packs, upgrades, and more for purchase within your apps.

RSS Feed Reader: Converts your RSS feed into an easy-to-use mobile page. Each item links to a new page with a full story.

App Share: Help your customers spread the word about your app via Facebook or email.

PDF Editor: Have a unique app on the App Store and Google Play with multimedia PDF in it. Embed video and audio content in your PDF files and give your magazines or books a new life.

Login page: Reserve access to particular pages for dedicated accounts.

Image Overlays: Take a picture with camera and overlay it with funny images. Drag, move, zoom, and rotate. Then post on Facebook or email.

Search Application Content: All application content is indexed. Searching by keywords will display a list of pages that contain the keyword you are looking for.

GPS and Directions: Displays a location on an interactive map. Shows current location and directions to the desired destination.

Your Blog in Your App: Include your mobile web page in your app. The page will load from your server.

Button style menuNear Me Locations

Displays a list of locations, in descending order, sorted by distance to your current locations.

For More Detail click Here